Thursday, January 23, 2014

30 in 30 days!

Seeing how I turn 30 in a month, I wanted to challenge myself this month physically. I have been exercising off and on the last few months and been trying to eat healthier. I even started taking Jun Fan Gun Fu (Jun Fu) and Wing Chun at Francis Fong Martial Arts Academy, mostly to gain my self-confidence back but to also get in shape.

In my early 20's I weighed around 135 and was semi inshape, but as soon as I got a desk job at the railroad and started working overnights I quickly put on 60lbs! I am not using this life change as an excuse, I admit I was just lazy. But when I got on the scale and saw 199, I knew then and there I needed to make a life change because I would not see 200. I was miserable...(this is tough to share)

I am currently down to 160 and feeling so much better physically and mentally. I would still like to drop some more weight, but I am more aware that the number is not as important as feeling better.

This month I want to focus on working out on a regular basis and setting a schedule, and not cheating on my diet! I am looking to hear from others and cheering each other on through our getting healthy journey, and I can't wait to share a picture I can be happy with in 30 days!

30 in 30!


  1. You are looking great. If you get up this way call me we can go out.

  2. Thanks Stephanie! I was thinking about going up there when it warms up a little to go caving again, will definitely get in touch with you :)
